Sundry Items that might be of interest. Hover over an image to see more details
Lee Enfield No. 4 Butt New butt for a Lee Enfield No 4 Target Rifle. Made with a removable high comb for when sights are set high for long range shooting (1000 yards or more). Lee Enfield No. 4 Butt New butt for a Lee Enfield No 4 Target Rifle. Made with a removable high comb for when sights are set high for long range shooting (1000 yards or more).
Cheek piece on Baker Rifle
Removable walnut cheek piece on reproduction Baker Rifle, to be used when sights are high for long range shooting. The filler piece for the slot in the butt is shown above the comb. Light weight rifle bipods
Light and medium weight, height adjustable bipods to fit adapted front sling swivel on my rifles.
Claw mount and fittings
Detachable claw mounts made then soldered to telescopic sight. Blocks made and screwed to antique Mannlicher rifle for this period sight. Spotting scope stand
Alloy collapsible spotting scope stand. Easily adjustable one handed and can be fitted with extension poles. Tough anodised finish.